This website is the property of SELFCARE LDA, a private limited company headquartered at Rua Princesa D. Amélia, 20, Loja K, Funchal, registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Funchal under the sole register and corporate tax number 510 803 890, holding the trademark CLAN HR.
Acknowledging, for legal purposes, the following definitions:
By visiting our website – – and/or part of it and/or hiring the SERVICE, the USER agrees to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS and accepts the legal binding agreement, including any terms and conditions and/or additional polices herein referred or provided in other links. If you don’t agree to all our TERMS AND CONDITIONS, you can’t access our website and/or use any of our services and/or buy our products.
If these TERMS AND CONDITIONS are considered an offer, your agreement is expressly limited to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
These TERMS AND CONDITIONS apply to all USERS of this website and of the SERVICE. SELFCARE reserves the right to at its sole discretion update, modify or replace entirely or partially the Terms and Conditions, periodically and without notice, by posting updates and/or modifications in our website. Thus, the USER is responsible for periodically verifying any updates/modifications. Use or continuous access to our website, or continuous use of the SERVICE by the USER after any update and/or modification performed by SELFCARE constitutes express consent for such updates/modifications.
The USER cannot use our website and/or its content and/or the SERVICE and/or his CLAN HR account for:
(A) Any illegal purpose; (B) request for others practice or participation in any illegal actions; (C) violate any administrative, local, regional, national or international regulations; (D) break or violate SELFCARE or third parties’ copyrights; (E) harass, abuse, injury, damage, slander, libel, depreciate, intimidate or discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, citizenship or disability; (F) false or misleading information; (G) upload files or transfer virus or any other type of malicious code which will or could be used in a way that affects the correct functioning of our website, of other websites, or internet; (H) collect or monitor personal data of other individuals; (I) “spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider crawl, or scrape”; (J) any immoral or obscene purpose; or (K) interfere in or circumvent the features of the website, SERVICE, any related website, other websites or of internet security.
We reserve the right to restrict or block USER’s access to the website and SERVICE whenever he violates these terms and conditions.
After subscribing the SERVICE, SELFCARE provides you a personal, non-transferable, limited and non-exclusive license to use the SERVICE according to the contracted payment plan. SELFCARE reserves the right to update, modify, or replace entirely or partially the terms of service, periodically and without notice, by posting updates and/or modifications in our website. Thus, the USER is responsible for periodically verifying any updates/modifications;
Any update and/or modification which improves or perfects the SERVICE including the launch of new tools and resources, shall be subject to these Terms of Service;
Continuous use of the SERVICE by the USER after any update and/or modification performed by SELFCARE constitutes express consent for such updates and/or modifications;
USER can check the updated version of Terms of Service at any time at;
Any violation of the conditions established in Terms of Service gives SELFCARE the right to close the account of the USER that broke the agreement.
SELFCARE is not responsible for the information and/or contents inserted by USER in SERVICE;
USER expressly and personally accepts and takes the risk of using the SERVICE.
The SERVICE can be used only by USERS aged greater than or equal to 18 years;
To access the SERVICE, USER must indicate his full name, a valid email and any other information requested by SELFCARE;
USER is responsible by the accuracy of the information he provides, in particular his email and must allow the provision of services acquired by him;
USER is also responsible for all content inserted in his account and for the activities therein carried out (even if the content is inserted by other users with access to his account). By entering or disclosing those contents in areas of the SERVICE accessible to the public, USER acknowledges and declares being the owner of those contents, taking full responsibility for them and exempting SELFCARE from all liabilities for them on whatever ground – including copyrights and industrial property rights;
Each individual or company can only have one account but may designate multiple USERS;
Account login shall be used only by one USER – people cannot share a sole login. USER may create different and separate logins for as many users as his plan allows;
USER is entirely responsible for keeping his account and personal/individual/private password safe. SELFCARE is not responsible for any loss or damage emerging from USER’s violation or failure to comply with this security obligation.
SELFCARE reserves the right to temporarily or on a permanent basis modify or terminate your access to the website (or any part of it) at any time.
In the event of a permanent termination of the SERVICE, SELFCARE shall inform the USER of that fact 30 (thirty) days prior to the termination date.
After closing the account SELFCARE by email, shall send to the USER a PDF-zipped-folder with all documents, data and information existing in his account.
When subscribing our SERVICE, USER has 30 (thirty) days to use the SERVICE free of charges and access if it fits his expectations and/or necessities.
Payment of SERVICE and Account shall be done preferably by credit card (soon) or ATM reference.
The SERVICE is charged in anticipation to the correspondent period (monthly or annual), according to the contracted periodicity. If the USER cancels the SERVICE during the contracted period, payment shall not be refunded.
All prices are subject to VAT (at legal rate). Rates, taxes and other obligations imposed by general tax authorities may apply.
Prices of Services may be updated and modified with 30 days prior notice. This notice can be served at any time by publishing the modifications/updates on our website.
* The USER is the only responsible for the proper cancellation of his account. Cancellation may be done at any time but only through the SERVICE website. The account window displays a simple cancellation link. Sending an email message or making a call requesting the cancellation of his account is not the correct proceeding for the effect and it doesn’t result in cancellation.
After USER cancels SERVICE, the account’s content will be immediately eliminated and the information and contents in cache/saved/kept can’t be recovered, so SELFCARE advises to create a copy data security unit or backup.
SELFCARE, at its sole discretion, has the right to suspend or close the account of any USER and refuse at any time all and any, present or future, use of the SERVICE or any other service provided by SELFCARE, in case of violation by the user of the present TERMS AND CONDITIONS or of its PRIVACY POLICY. Closing the SERVICE implies shutting down and/or suspending USER’s account or blocking access to USER’s account, as well as the right to seize all contents in USER’s account.
SELFCARE reserves the right to refuse providing SERVICE to any individual or company, for any reason, at any time.
SELFCARE reserves the right to periodically, temporarily or on a permanent basis, modify SERVICE (or any part of it) with 5 (five) days prior notice.
If USER does not agree with the modifications, he has the right to cancel SERVICE;
SELFCARE can also terminate SERVICE or part of it, whenever it considers necessary. USER expressly accepts that SELFCARE automatically provides him such corrections as part of the SERVICE as well as eventual failures inherent to them.
SELFCARE may also temporarily terminate and modify SERVICE, in order to correct software defects, perfect functionalities and generally improve it, or even replace it by SERVICE’s new versions, thus improving provision of SERVICE and improving USER’s satisfaction and benefits.
USER agrees that SELFCARE will make great efforts to prevent the impact for USER of SERVICE’s failures or suspension; however, SELFCARE is not responsible before USER or any third party for any damages that may result from USER’s account suspension and/or User’s access failures to SERVICE.
* All copyrights and industrial property rights related to this website and to SERVICE are the property of SELFCARE.
USER may not duplicate, copy, reproduce, redistribute, re-use any part of the website, SERVICE or ACCOUNT nor any concept or design visual elements without express written consent of SELFCARE, under penalty of criminal and civil liability.
SELFCARE will not claim copyrights on materials and contents that the USER enters into his ACCOUNT or for use of SERVICE.
USER may not use the image, contents and information of the website or SERVICE, nor modify another website in a way that falsely implies that such website is related to SELFCARE’s website or any other service provided by SELFCARE.
USER may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, re-sell or exploit any part of the website, the use of the website, or the access to the website without SELFCARE’s express written consent, under penalty of criminal and civil liability.
By using SERVICE, the USER has access to confidential information, so it undertakes not to duplicate, copy, reproduce, redistribute, re-use any confidential information.
USER expressly agrees and accepts that the use or inability to use the website and/or the SERVICE is at his own account and risk. The website and SERVICE (except if expressly declared by us) are provided “as they are” and “as available” for use without any express or implicit representation, warranty or condition including implicit warranties or warranties of trading, quality, fitness for a specific purpose, durability, title and non-conformity.
Technical support is remotely provided by email to USERS and paid accounts’ holders whose payments are not late or failed.
SELFCARE uses partners for website hosting providers of hardware, software, networks, backup and related technologies required to run the website, not taking responsibility for any breach or failure which may occur during use of SERVICE or ACCOUNTS caused by those partners or providers.
USER must not upload, enter, host, or transmit not requested email, SMS, or “spam” messages.
The service is provided online, so SELFCARE doesn’t take responsibility for any connection failure and inevitable impossibility of use nor assures a continuous, punctual, safe or free of errors use of its website.
USER must adopt preventive measures and provide himself with security warranties in order to prevent the transmission of any virus or worms, any destructive code.
SELFCARE does not assure that (i) the SERVICE will meet your specific needs, (ii) the service will be continuous, on time, safe or free of errors, (iii) the results which can be obtained by using the service will be exact or reliable results, (iv) the quality of products, services, information or other materials acquired or obtained by USER through the Service will meet his expectations, and (v) any errors in service will be corrected.
USER expressly understands and agrees that SELFCARE, our administrators, managers, directors, employees, affiliated, agents, contract partners/employees, trainees, products and service providers do not take responsibility for any prejudice, loss, claim or, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special damages of any kind of consequential damages, including but not limited to ceasing profits, revenue loss, data loss, replacement costs or any similar damages, whether they are based on contract, illicit act (including negligence), objective responsibility or other type of responsibility, resulting from the use of the website, one of the services or any other claim somehow related to the use of the website and/or service, including but not limited to any errors or omissions in any content, or any kind of damage or loss arising from website use or any content (or product) published, transmitted or somehow provided via website, even when alerted that it could happen, within the broadest terms foreseen in law.
In states or jurisdictions that don’t allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, our liability will be limited within the broadest terms foreseen in law.
USER is responsible for defending and providing compensation to SELFCARE, same group companies, its subsidiaries, affiliated, partners, administrators, managers, directors, employees, affiliate, agents, contract employees, trainees, products and service providers, regarding any claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by third parties as a result of any act or negligent omission or inobservance of these Terms and Conditions or documents related to or mentioned in Terms and Conditions or of the violation of any legal obligation or third-party rights.
The eventual invalidity or ineffectiveness of a clause in these Terms and Conditions, declared by competent authority, does not affect the validity of the others and it must be replaced by a new Clause which, as far as possible, produce similar economic or commercial effects.
The non-exercise (total or partial) of SELFCARE’s rights and faculties arising from the Terms and Conditions will never mean the waiver of such rights or faculties nor implies its forfeiture. These rights and faculties will remain valid even if they are not exercised.
These Terms and Conditions or other rules published by SELFCARE reflect and integrate the entire agreement between SELFCARE and the USER/CLIENT regarding the issues herein concerned, expressly revoking and replacing all and any understanding and verbal/written agreement on the same subject.
These Terms and Conditions, as well as our privacy policy were made according to and are governed by the Portuguese Law.
Doubts and questions about the Terms of Service must be sent to
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